[Fwd: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] New Apt problems]

William M. Quarles walrus at bellsouth.net
Mon Nov 29 10:25:01 PST 2004

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>This give me reason to stir up debate... to the newsgroups for me 
>>(mailing lists for you).
> You mean fedora.us? I don't think that would be a good idea. This thread
> has been rehashed to death there (I don't have urls to give you, but you
> probably can find them in the archives). The really vocal people on the
> fedora list are adamant and due to historical issues most 3rd party repo
> maintainers get really pissed off really fast. 
> Maybe Fedora policies will change in time, or enough people will join
> and make places like Planet CCRMA irrelevant. 

Last count the thread that I started yesterday at 4:11 EST on the Fedora 
general mailing list had 43 messages on it, and only three of them are 
mine.  I don't even have time to read them all.  Apparently this is 
still a hot topic.


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