[PlanetCCRMA] how to do planetccrma-core with planetedge kernels

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Nov 18 17:46:01 PST 2004

On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 18:11, Peter Lutek wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 11:20, Peter Lutek wrote:
> > greetings, all!
> > 
> > having fun setting up FC2 here, but have one (possibly stupid) question:
> > 
> > if i wish to use a planetedge kernel, alsa-driver, alsa-utils, etc.,
> > should i FIRST install planetccrma-core and THEN upgrade with planetedge
> > kernels, etc.?  or is it possible to do a complete equivalent of
> > planetccrma-core from the planetedge repository?
> > 
> > if the latter is possible, is there somewhere a complete list of which
> > packages to install from the edge repository (since there isn't a
> > "planetedge-core" meta-package?
> > 
> > (hmmmm.... i guess that turned into 3 questions!)
> > 
> > thanks!
> > -p
> > 
> well, i will partially answer my own question, but pose some new ones
> which have arisen...
> i installed the FC2 planetccrma-core and then upgraded the kernel and
> alsa-module to all seems fine so far, but i haven't
> really tested much yet.
> if i (temporarily) enable planetedge in the sources list and then select
> all the alsa stuff for upgrade from planetedge (driver, firmware, lib,
> lib-devel, oss, tools, utils -- all 1.0.6a-1.cvs), synaptic tells me it
> must remove planetccrma-core (which installed all those at 1.0.5a-1.cvs)
> and also bump my kernel back to 1vP9.
> my questions are:
> does planetccrma-core contain stuff other than THOSE alsa-things, which
> i would lose in removing planetccrma-core, or do those in fact
> completely replace the core? 

planetccrma-core is an empty package :-)

It only contains dependencies designed to install what is needed with
the correct versions and architectures. Do an "rpm -q --requires
planetccrma-core" to see what I mean (or an rpm -q -l to see what files
it contains :-)

> also, why does the kernel need to be
> dropped back to 1vP9? are there incompatibilities between the latest
> planetedge kernel and the planetedge alsa-stuff?

Aha, good catch. The S7 version of the kernel that's there is using alsa
1.0.7, which is newer than the alsa-* packages that are also there. That
is why apt wants to keep everything at the R9 level. Most probably if
you install R9 with all the alsa stuff (which will keep apt happy), and
then add just the S7 kernel and kernel-module packages all will work. 

I need to add newer versions of the alsa-* packages that are 1.0.7 or

-- Fernando

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