[PlanetCCRMA] how to do planetccrma-core with planetedge kernels

Peter Lutek plutek at infinity.net
Fri Nov 19 06:04:02 PST 2004

On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 20:45, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 18:11, Peter Lutek wrote:
> > On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 11:20, Peter Lutek wrote:
> > > greetings, all!
> > > 
> > > having fun setting up FC2 here, but have one (possibly stupid) question:
> > > 
> > > if i wish to use a planetedge kernel, alsa-driver, alsa-utils, etc.,
> > > should i FIRST install planetccrma-core and THEN upgrade with planetedge
> > > kernels, etc.?  or is it possible to do a complete equivalent of
> > > planetccrma-core from the planetedge repository?
> > > 
> > > if the latter is possible, is there somewhere a complete list of which
> > > packages to install from the edge repository (since there isn't a
> > > "planetedge-core" meta-package?
> > > 
> > > (hmmmm.... i guess that turned into 3 questions!)
> > > 
> > > thanks!
> > > -p
> > > 
> > 
> > well, i will partially answer my own question, but pose some new ones
> > which have arisen...
> > 
> > i installed the FC2 planetccrma-core and then upgraded the kernel and
> > alsa-module to all seems fine so far, but i haven't
> > really tested much yet.
> > 
> > if i (temporarily) enable planetedge in the sources list and then select
> > all the alsa stuff for upgrade from planetedge (driver, firmware, lib,
> > lib-devel, oss, tools, utils -- all 1.0.6a-1.cvs), synaptic tells me it
> > must remove planetccrma-core (which installed all those at 1.0.5a-1.cvs)
> > and also bump my kernel back to 1vP9.
> > 
> > my questions are:
> > 
> > does planetccrma-core contain stuff other than THOSE alsa-things, which
> > i would lose in removing planetccrma-core, or do those in fact
> > completely replace the core? 
> planetccrma-core is an empty package :-)
> It only contains dependencies designed to install what is needed with
> the correct versions and architectures. Do an "rpm -q --requires
> planetccrma-core" to see what I mean (or an rpm -q -l to see what files
> it contains :-)
> > also, why does the kernel need to be
> > dropped back to 1vP9? are there incompatibilities between the latest
> > planetedge kernel and the planetedge alsa-stuff?
> Aha, good catch. The S7 version of the kernel that's there is using alsa
> 1.0.7, which is newer than the alsa-* packages that are also there. That
> is why apt wants to keep everything at the R9 level. Most probably if
> you install R9 with all the alsa stuff (which will keep apt happy), and
> then add just the S7 kernel and kernel-module packages all will work. 
> I need to add newer versions of the alsa-* packages that are 1.0.7 or
> above. 

thanks, fernando -- all clear.

i'll be interested in any new alsa packages because, with 1.0.5,
hdspmixer shows almost-full meters on the analog channels of my
multiface all the time, whether there is signal or not. then, when i
apply a signal, there is a little yellow horizontal line moving up and
down in each meter strip (on top of the constant almost-full display
which is the regular green) - this yellow line does correspond to the
actual signal. this is all just a meter display anomaly - peaks display
as usual, and there is nothing wrong with the actual signal (in or out),
so it is still usable. i had no such problems with this same multiface
on FC1, on both a desktop and laptop machine, so i guess there is
something strange with the 1.0.5 firmware or mixer.

anyone else out there with a multiface having these issues?


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