[PlanetCCRMA] 2.4.20-31.1.caps.rh90.ccrmasmp kernel not installing

Noah Garrett Wallach logic at enabled.com
Thu Nov 11 12:10:01 PST 2004

> I would try FC1 to see what happens. The pure Planet CCRMA kernel is 
> the same as in RedHat 9, so you will probably see the same problems, 
> but the capabilities enabled Planet CCRMA kernel based on the 
> original Fedora Core 1 kernel is different and more up to date.
> If in the future I update the kernels for RH9/FC1 then they may work 
> (or not) on your hardware.

FC1 does not see the drive and am thinking it doesnt have serial ATA support.
FC2 does see the drive and now installing it.



> -- Fernando
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