[PlanetCCRMA] 2.4.20-31.1.caps.rh90.ccrmasmp kernel not installing

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Nov 11 11:00:02 PST 2004

On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 06:17, Noah Garrett Wallach wrote:
> On 10 Nov 2004 20:12:16 -0800, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote
> > On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 16:37, Noah Garrett Wallach wrote:
> > > okay I am building another ccrma machine and arriving at a strange issue.
> > 
> > Enterprise Linux again? Sigh. Unsupported!!
> I understand ya here but Redhat 9.0 was end of life on April 30, 2004 - thats
> over 6 months ago - which is eons in the computer world.  Redhat no longer
> supports it or updates to it.  

Critical security updates are still being supplied by the Fedora Legacy
project, a volunteer run site that churns out updates for older
RedHat/Fedora releases. These updates are currently part of the
"updates" repository at Planet CCRMA. See this for more details:


That could, presumably, take care of security issues. What risks you run
in terms of security depends on how exposed your machines are, and
whether you have multiple user accounts with non-trusted users on them. 

As for support. Well, you are paying for support from RedHat, right?
Maybe you could call or email them about these problems? :-) ;-) :-) -
just kidding, of course, they will not help with packages that are
outside of what they officially release. If you understand that I'm sure
you understand that there are limits to what I can do. 

> So I am stuck here with new hardware that redhat 9.0 doesnt boot on since it
> cant probe it and does nto have the drivers for most of it.  and I dont think
> FC1 would boot on it either, although I have not tried.
> what is your best recommendation to move forward here?  the only loader that
> has been able to work and appears to have regular updates is Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux WS. 

I would try FC1 to see what happens. The pure Planet CCRMA kernel is the
same as in RedHat 9, so you will probably see the same problems, but the
capabilities enabled Planet CCRMA kernel based on the original Fedora
Core 1 kernel is different and more up to date. 

If in the future I update the kernels for RH9/FC1 then they may work (or
not) on your hardware. 

-- Fernando

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