[PlanetCCRMA] 2.6.7-1.437.1.11.rhfc2.ccrma crashes

Brad Fuller brad at sonaural.com
Sat Nov 6 17:47:00 PST 2004

Matthew Allen wrote:
> By stopping qjackctl you stop jack, which in turn kills the outputs
> for pd. I would expect bad things to happen doing this. If you ever
> need to kill jack you should exit pd first and the stop jack. I know
> it shouldn't crash your entire WM but thats the way thinsg happen some
> times.

Absolutely, I agree with you -- that the user should take care.
HOWEVER, an application should NEVER crash the system.
*NEVER-EVER-EVER* if it can help it.
(too dramatic? :-) )

The author of the application should take into account that someone 
might push that button and cause things to happen. In this case, it 
would seem to be easy to circumvent this event.

Anyway, it looks like it's running pretty well so far. Thanks -- time to 
close this thread


> On Sat, 06 Nov 2004 13:49:53 -0800, Brad Fuller <brad at sonaural.com> wrote:
>>Matthew Allen wrote:
>>>On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 19:54:18 -0800, Brad Fuller <brad at sonaural.com> wrote:
>>>>Yep, I'm having crashes with 2.6.7-1.437.1.11.rhfc2.ccrma. At first I
>>>>was really just screwing around with a lot of apps, so I can't tell you
>>>>exactly what I did.
>>>ok I am running the same kernel, I have qjackctl up and running, along
>>>with pd -jack using c08.analog.sequencer.pd from the help. besides for
>>>some audio IO errors that pd gives me when my screen redraws or I
>>>swicth workspaces (I havn't tuned my irq's yet and I think that my
>>>9700 is beating down my sound card). So far qjackctl has been up for
>>>an hour and no crashes (one Xrun while i type this though grrrrr.)
>>Tested all day with only one Xrun (just running qjackctl and pd). Great.
>>Then, while pd was running the testtone I "stopped" qjackctl (pushed the
>>stop button) and xwindows or KDE crashed -- taking me to the login.
>>Can't find anything in the xorg.log, xdm-errors log or kdm.log. Don't
>>know where else to look. Any ideas?

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