[PlanetCCRMA] CD-ROM writing trouble with rh9 caps kernel?

Chris Miles (PlanetCCRMA) PlanetCCRMA at ir.compulink.co.uk
Fri Nov 5 10:58:04 PST 2004

I've just had major trouble writing some CDs under RedHat 9.

I've been running the caps kernel since I found the hangs with the ll 
kernel too disruptive - I'd get no keyboard accepted. I liked the disk 
speed though!

I've found that I could write one CD, but a second would fail with timeouts.

Yesterday not even the first CD would write, timing out. Since this was 
for work I decided to try the stock red hat kernel (2.4.20-37.9).

I still had to power down, turn off at the mains and wait 10 minutes 
before it would work and then I was back to normal (apart from the 
ruined CDs). Phew :-)

Any ideas what to look for? I really need reliable CD writing but I want 
my alsa back.
I use an ATA CD with hdc=ide-scsi and xcdroast, etc.


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