[PlanetCCRMA] CD-ROM writing trouble with rh9 caps kernel?

R Parker rtp405 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 6 07:11:02 PST 2004


--- "Chris Miles (PlanetCCRMA)"
<PlanetCCRMA at ir.compulink.co.uk> wrote:

> I've just had major trouble writing some CDs under
> RedHat 9.
> I've been running the caps kernel since I found the
> hangs with the ll 
> kernel too disruptive - I'd get no keyboard
> accepted. I liked the disk 
> speed though!
> I've found that I could write one CD, but a second
> would fail with timeouts.
> Yesterday not even the first CD would write, timing
> out. Since this was 
> for work I decided to try the stock red hat kernel
> (2.4.20-37.9).
> I still had to power down, turn off at the mains and
> wait 10 minutes 
> before it would work and then I was back to normal
> (apart from the 
> ruined CDs). Phew :-)
> Any ideas what to look for?

The only thing that has ever caused problems with
reading or writing CDs for me is specifying read and
write speeds that are beyound the capabilities of the


 I really need reliable
> CD writing but I want 
> my alsa back.
> I use an ATA CD with hdc=ide-scsi and xcdroast, etc.
> Chris
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