[PlanetCCRMA] Can't get Jack to start

Ben Sheron ben at whatsmykarma.com
Sat May 15 20:58:01 PDT 2004


I have a dual AMD MP 2800 system running Fedora Core 1.  Right now I'm
only using the onboard soundcard (I'll probably move to something like a
Turtle Beach Santa Cruz later), an Intel i810_audio chipset.  I can play
music fine using the Music Player app, but I can't seem to get Jack
started.  I used the following command:

Jackd -alsa

I then get this message:

loading driver ..
creating alsa driver ...
jackd: pcm.c:687: snd_pcm_nonblock: Assertion `pcm' failed.

Jack was installed as I installed Ardour, with the command apt-get
install ardour.

I'm not using the Planet kernel; first of all I tried it with this but
with the same result, and secondly because I would like to take
advantage of the SMP that came with Fedora.  I Googled this and heard
something about this being caused by the Alsa modules not being loaded? 
I'm pretty familiar with Linux, but am a bit of a noob when it comes to
kernel modules...  If it helps any, here is the output of the lsmod

Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: PF
i810_audio             28264   1  (autoclean)
ac97_codec             16876   0  (autoclean) [i810_audio]
soundcore               7108   2  (autoclean) [i810_audio]
vmnet                  23696   1
vmmon                  41469   0  (unused)
parport_pc             18596   1  (autoclean)
lp                      8580   0  (autoclean)
parport                38816   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
autofs                 12436   0  (autoclean) (unused)
rfcomm                 38176   0  (autoclean)
l2cap                  21356   2  (autoclean) [rfcomm]
bluez                  41348   1  (autoclean) [rfcomm l2cap]
e100                   57476   1
ipt_REJECT              4216   1  (autoclean)
ipt_state               1112   5  (autoclean)
ip_conntrack           31368   1  (autoclean) [ipt_state]
iptable_filter          2444   1  (autoclean)
ip_tables              15584   3  [ipt_REJECT ipt_state iptable_filter]
floppy                 57244   0  (autoclean)
sg                     35660   0  (autoclean)
sr_mod                 17016   0  (autoclean)
ide-scsi               12016   0
scsi_mod              112680   3  [sg sr_mod ide-scsi]
ide-cd                 34304   0
cdrom                  34496   0  [sr_mod ide-cd]
keybdev                 2624   0  (unused)
hid                    23652   0  (unused)
usb-ohci               21864   0  (unused)
usbcore                81888   1  [hid usb-ohci]
mousedev                5368   1  (autoclean)
input                   6112   0  (autoclean) [keybdev hid mousedev]
ext3                   73604   2
jbd                    55368   2  [ext3]

Sorry if the solution to this is blatantly obvious.  Thanks in advance
for any insight.


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