[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Rehmudi kernel 2.4.26-1.ll

Diemo Schwarz Diemo.Schwarz at ircam.fr
Tue Jun 22 11:55:02 PDT 2004

Dear Can and Fernando,

thanks for you answeres which cleared things up a lot.  So it seems that to 
load the early filesystem modules, insmod from the initrd is used, which is a 
copy of the insmod in /sbin.  That is, in my installation, the insmod for 2.6 
kernels, which calls insmod.old, but that has not been copied into the initrd.

So, two solutions:
1. include the indmod.old in the initrd  (How can I do that?)
2. rebuild the kernel with the filesystem modules compiled in

NGUYEN Ngoc Can wrote:
> that means in the initrd, it missed some commands line like insmod etc .... to perform boot process ...
> I think i'm going to make new initrd and let see if it will change somethings ...

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 08:03, Diemo Schwarz wrote:
>>I just tried with the PlanetCCRMA low-latency kernel (2.4.24-1.ll.rh80.ccrma) 
>>[that's why I'm crossposting to the planetccrma list] for my version 8 of 
>>Redhat, but it's giving the same error:  (see below for details)
>>	kernel panic: no init found. try passing init= option to kernel.
>>I have insmod and insmod.old in /sbin, and no /bin, where these kernels seem to 
>>look for it.  So I did a hard link of insmod* to /bin, but the error on booting 
>>is exactly the same:
>>	Kernel requires old insmod, but couldn't run /bin/insmod.old: No such file or 
>>Where is the kernel looking for insmod at that stage?  In the init ram disk?
>>Shouldn't the file systems be compiled into the kernel?
>>Sorry for bothering you with these problems, but that's where my diving limit 
>>into the kernel is reached.  
> Can you boot into any other kernel? (other than 2.6.x, that is)

yes, I have kernel 2.4.21-pre5-ac3-mhp3 specially patched for my Compaq 
Presario 915 laptop.

> How did you install the new version of modutils? From source? Using
> packages? (if packages, which ones and from where?). 

phew, that was a long time ago.  I think it was from 
module-init-tools-0.9.13.tar.bz2, and I remember I had to do all this 
backing-up old versions buisiness by hand.  I found this on my disk:
modutils-2.4.21-21.src.rpm.  Would you suggest I reinstalled that package?


>>Diemo Schwarz wrote:
>>>NGUYEN Ngoc Can wrote:
>>>>could you replace in /etc/grub.conf :
>>>>/ initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img/
>>>>initrd /initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img
>>>>reboot your machine
>>>gives me:
>>>Error 15: File not found
>>>With the old version (using /initrd/boot/initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img/), now I 
>>>can tell you exactly the boot messages:
>>>loading jbd module
>>>kernel requires old insmod, no file /bin/insmod.old
>>>[the same for ext3 module]
>>>mounting root filesystem
>>>mount: error 19 mounting ext3
>>>pivotroot: [...] failed: 2
>>>umount /initrd/proc failed:2
>>>kernel panic: no init found. try passing init= option to kernel.
>>>Well, seems that when I installed the new modutils for the 2.6 kernel, I 
>>>buggered up to keep the old versions around in the right place.
>>>I'll have a look immediately.
>>>B.t.w, I'm on redhat 8.
>>>>Le lun 21/06/2004 à 14:02, Diemo Schwarz a écrit :
>>>>>/NGUYEN Ngoc Can wrote:
>>>>>>Hi Diemo,
>>>>>>Could you please describe me how did you install kernel 
>>>>>>/2.4.26-1.ll/ ??
>>>>>with rpm -i kernel-2.4.26-1.ll.i686.rpm
>>>>>it gives me
>>>>>-rw-r--r-- root   590163 May 13 12:11 /boot/System.map-2.4.26-1.ll
>>>>>-rw-r--r-- root    42856 May 13 12:11 /boot/config-2.4.26-1.ll
>>>>>-rw-r--r-- root   304772 Jun 18 15:40 /boot/initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img
>>>>>-rw-r--r-- root    15438 May 13 12:11 /boot/module-info-2.4.26-1.ll
>>>>>-rwxr-xr-x root  3123796 May 13 12:11 /boot/vmlinux-2.4.26-1.ll
>>>>>-rw-r--r-- root  1085409 May 13 12:11 /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26-1.ll
>>>>>and the grub entry (with loads of options I need to boot my normal 
>>>>>kernel 2.4.21-pre5-ac3-mhp3 on my Compaq Presario 915 laptop)
>>>>>title AGNULA/RehMuDi low-latency kernel (2.4.26-1.ll)
>>>>>    root (hd0,5)
>>>>>    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26-1.ll ro root=/dev/hda6 hdc=ide nomce 
>>>>>ide=nodma nobiospnp pci=biosirq nousb hdc=ide-scsi  vga=792 
>>>>>append="video=radeonfb:mode:1024x768,cmode:32" DISPLAYMANAGER=KDE
>>>>>    initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.26-1.ll.img
>>>>>>thank you
>>>>>Thank *you* for caring...
>>>>>                                ...Diemo
>>>>>>Le dim 20/06/2004 à 22:47, Diemo Schwarz a écrit :
>>>>>>>/Hi all and especially Can,
>>>>>>>I installed the Rehmudi low-latency kernel 2.4.26-1.ll rpm from the 
>>>>>>>update1 directory 
>>>>>>>but when I boot into it, I get a kernel panic with "no init found, 
>>>>>>>try init= option" or similar.
>>>>>>>Everything seems alright, there is a .map and a matching initrd.  
>>>>>>>Any idea what could have gone wrong?
>>>>>>>               ...Diemo

Diemo Schwarz, Ph.D.  --  http://www.ircam.fr/anasyn/schwarz
Real-Time Applications Team  --  http://www.ircam.fr/equipes/temps-reel
IRCAM - Centre Pompidou  --  1, place Igor-Stravinsky, 75004 Paris, France
Phone +33-1-4478-4879  --  Fax +33-1-4478-1540

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