[PlanetCCRMA] Sysex utility?

Jason Balicki kodak at frontierhomemortgage.com
Mon Jun 14 14:31:01 PDT 2004

Frank van de Pol <> wrote:
> cannot verify nor RTFM since don't have the hardware here. There
> might be configuration setting for bulk dumps with/without
> handshaking? 

There is, I've been selecting the bulk dump without handshaking,
what I can judge from the manual (yes, the previous owner had
actually managed to keep the manual, weird Engrish and all :) is
that you have to have another Roland device to be able to use
the handshaking.  I'm NOT at all entirely sure about that

> Are you sure cat system > /dev/sequencer works? The OSS /dev/sequencer

No, not really.  Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I used
a /dev/midixx device to upgrade my Vetta, but that was back when I was just
using oss devices.  I *did* try using /dev/midiXX this time, but I don't
think those are the right ones.  (This is my first experience with ALSA...
forgive me. :/ )  I'll experiment with the /dev/snd devices tonight and
see what I come up with.

I've got three MIDI interfaces (a usb 1x1, a keystation controller
and the soundcards joystick/midi port).  Is there a shortcut to
finding which device is connected to which port (/dev/ wise)?
I would assume that I would need to shut down JACK in order
to do this as well, correct?  Otherwise JACK is going to have a
lock on the port.  Or am I getting it totally wrong?

Thanks for your input.  I really, really appreciate it...


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