[PlanetCCRMA] updated: terminatorx, hydrogen, audacity; added: tap-plugins

Barton Bosch bartonbosch at HotPop.com
Thu Jan 29 22:11:02 PST 2004

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> * audacity up to version 1.2.0-0.pre3.1, includes the full 1.2 manual as
>   well (in the doc directory). 

Does this RPM of audacity use the alsa/portaudio output or is 
it built with OSS?  And does it function properly with alsa 1.x.x?

I upgraded to the Audacity team's precompiled binary a couple 
of weeks back but there was a problem with the playback 
indicator with alsa 1.x.x.



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