[PlanetCCRMA] a few questions, please.

Ryan ruinaudio at comcast.net
Fri Jan 9 19:23:01 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 19:41, tdunstan at ihug.com.au wrote:
> hi crew 
> i'm a new recruit to the CCRMA posse and i just have a few questions before i 
> get in the thick of it.
> 1. Is there any plans to get PDP and PiDip for PD in a neat package? otherwise 
> has anyone had any experience getting it going.
> 2. I heard that supercollider works on linux now, any packages/experiences?
> who makes the CCRMA packages? how do i learn to make them?

I loved supercollider on the mac (both 2 and 3).  Though things are
moving quicker now, sc3 is still more difficult on linux than OSX. 
There's a good page with instructions for setting SC3 up here ->

I got flamed a bit for declaring SC3 "not ready yet" so I won't go that
far but clearly it's not the same experience on linux.

> 3. If i update my CCRMA kernel, will i have to reinstall heaps of stuff agian 
> like nvidia drivers and alsa?

Nvidia yes when I did it things worked very well, but that was the
previous nvidia release and a few kernels back, ymmv.  Alsa is included
in the planetccrma-core packages.  The installation notes can be
daunting http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/install.html
but that's because they're VERY thorough and really well written.  Don't
make the mistake of not reading every word.  This will ease your
introduction to ccrma.

You'll surely be rewarded for your effort (primarily thanks to
Fernando's efforts)  ;-)

good luck,

> thanks
> tom
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