[PlanetCCRMA] a few questions, please.

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Jan 9 18:57:01 PST 2004

> i'm a new recruit to the CCRMA posse and i just have a few questions before i 
> get in the thick of it.
> 1. Is there any plans to get PDP and PiDip for PD in a neat package? otherwise 
> has anyone had any experience getting it going.

I'm working on getting more pd libraries in the repository, those should
happen eventually. 

> 2. I heard that supercollider works on linux now, any packages/experiences?
> who makes the CCRMA packages? how do i learn to make them?

I have not packaged supercollider yet. It's in my list (together with
other stuff like simsan, for example - and before that openmusic). 

I don't know where to point you to "learn packaging", it took me a long
time to (I think) start getting them right. Nor particularly difficult,
of course. Just lots of details. 

> 3. If i update my CCRMA kernel, will i have to reinstall heaps of stuff agian 
> like nvidia drivers and alsa?

Yup. Alsa is part of the Planet CCRMA repository so you don't have to
rebuild that. You will need to download the kernel-source package to
rebuild the nvidia drivers for the new kernel...

-- Fernando

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