[PlanetCCRMA] updated: kernels and alsa drivers : s/pdif not linking to digital mix

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Apr 28 03:06:01 PDT 2004

> after installing the new 2.4.26 kernel, i can't anymore hear sound 
> coming from s/pdif in? in envy24control (i have a delta 410), i can see 
> audio signal coming from s/pdif in l, r but this signal don't get to the 
> digital mix like before (2.4.24). i did remove /etc/asound.state to be 
> sure to unmute and configure the sound card correctly.
> i can use pure data to plug [adc~ 9 10< to [dac~ 1 2< but it's not 
> really what i want. is this related with a new feature / bug of alsa? 

Probably a new "feature" of alsa :-) I would ask in the alsa-devel list.
If there is a fix I'll roll out a new version. I hate releasing new
versions of kernels and alsa, each release is sure to fix a lot of
problems but just as sure to create new ones :-)

-- Fernando

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