[PlanetCCRMA] updated: kernels and alsa drivers : s/pdif not linking to digital mix

patrick puredata at 11h11.com
Tue Apr 27 19:47:01 PDT 2004

hi fernando and others!

after installing the new 2.4.26 kernel, i can't anymore hear sound 
coming from s/pdif in? in envy24control (i have a delta 410), i can see 
audio signal coming from s/pdif in l, r but this signal don't get to the 
digital mix like before (2.4.24). i did remove /etc/asound.state to be 
sure to unmute and configure the sound card correctly.

i can use pure data to plug [adc~ 9 10< to [dac~ 1 2< but it's not 
really what i want. is this related with a new feature / bug of alsa? 
should i change something in my /etc/.asoundrc?


# DELTA410 Asound.conf START

pcm.main {
         type hw
         card 0
         device 0 #2

pcm.ice1712 {
     type dmix
     ipc_key 1024

     slave {
         pcm "hw:0,0"
         period_time 0
         period_size 1024
         buffer_size 4096        # buffer size < 6653, but pow(x, 2)
         rate        44100       # we want to play CDs only

     bindings {
        0 0
        1 1
        2 2
        3 3
        4 4
        5 5
        6 6
        7 7
        8 8
        9 9


# adcdac 1&2
pcm.room1 {
         type plug
         ttable.0.0 1
         ttable.0.1 1
         slave.pcm ice1712

# adcdac 3&4
pcm.room2 {
         type plug
         ttable.0.2 1
         ttable.0.3 1
         slave.pcm ice1712

#adcdac 5&6
pcm.room3 {
         type plug
         ttable.0.4 1
         ttable.0.5 1
         slave.pcm ice1712

# adcdac 7&8
pcm.room4 {
         type plug
         ttable.0.6 1
         ttable.0.7 1
         slave.pcm ice1712

#SPDIF channels 9&10
pcm.room5_spdif {
         type plug
         ttable.0.8 1
         ttable.1.9 1
         slave.pcm ice1712

# all HW outs set to PCM OUT in envy24
pcm.hwout {
         type plug
         slave.pcm ice1712

ctl.room1 {
     type hw
     card 0
ctl.room2 {
     type hw
     card 0
ctl.room3 {
     type hw
     card 0
ctl.room4 {
     type hw
     card 0

ctl.room5_spdif {
     type hw
     card 0
# Asound.conf END

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