[PlanetCCRMA] jack prelink
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Apr 22 10:57:01 PDT 2004
> Just a reminder in case you have forgotten.
Of course I had :-)
> Back in Feb I mentioned that the prelink.patch can be done away with if
> prelink >= 0.3.0-17 is used.
> I added the following to my jack.spec (tested on rh9 and fc1 ).
> %define distro %(awk '/Red Hat/ {print "rh"};/Fedora/ {print "fc"} '
> 2>/dev/null </etc/redhat-release)
> %if %{distro} == "fc"
> Requires: prelink >= 0.3.0-17
> %endif
> %post
> %if %{distro} == "fc"
> grep 'b /usr/bin/jackd' /etc/prelink.conf > /dev/null 2>&1
> if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then
> echo '-b /usr/bin/jackd' >> /etc/prelink.conf
> fi
> %endif
I'm usually very reluctant to incorporate non-official redhat/fedora
packages that override the latest official ones, at least when it can be
avoided. Which prelink version are you using? Where did you get it from?
(sorry if you told me before...)
-- Fernando
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