[PlanetCCRMA] jack prelink

Lawrie Abbott lawrieabbott at iinet.net.au
Thu Apr 22 19:58:02 PDT 2004

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>>Just a reminder in case you have forgotten.
>Of course I had :-)
>>Back in Feb I mentioned that the prelink.patch can be done away with if 
>>prelink >= 0.3.0-17 is used.
>>I added  the following to  my jack.spec (tested on rh9 and fc1 ).
>>%define distro %(awk '/Red Hat/ {print "rh"};/Fedora/ {print "fc"} ' 
>>2>/dev/null </etc/redhat-release) 
>>%if %{distro} == "fc"
>>Requires:       prelink >= 0.3.0-17
>>%if %{distro} == "fc"
>>grep 'b /usr/bin/jackd' /etc/prelink.conf > /dev/null 2>&1
>>  if [ "$?" == "1" ]; then
>>     echo '-b /usr/bin/jackd' >> /etc/prelink.conf
>>  fi
>I'm usually very reluctant to incorporate non-official redhat/fedora
>packages that override the latest official ones, at least when it can be
>avoided. Which prelink version are you using? Where did you get it from?
>(sorry if you told me before...)
>-- Fernando
Hi Fernando,
I used an unmodified version of the then latest SRPM from Fedora 
. I'm using version 0.3.0-20 .  Current is


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