[PlanetCCRMA] jackd

Ryan G. ryanpg at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 23 19:26:01 PDT 2003


First yes I DO have a job (I'm thinking of moving to part-time so I can
post here more often though).

Second, am I the only person noticing significant jackd performance
loss lately?  Specifically; I used to be able to do "-p 64 -n 2" with
few/no xruns...  But forget that now nothing will run without ending up

So ok, "jackd -R -t 10000 -D /var/lib/jack/tmp -d alsa -d hw:1 -r 44100
-p 128 -n 2" 

starts jack up just fine but then when I launch amSynth I get;

subgraph starting at amSynth timed out (subgraph_wait_fd=15, status =
1092634132, state = Running)
client amSynth error: awake_at = 3435091806 state = 2 timed_out = 0

And no sound from amSynth of course.

Now even these settings are insufficient for zynaddsubfx... a few notes
on the keyboard and;

subgraph starting at qjackctl timed out (subgraph_wait_fd=18, status =
1092634132, state = Finished)
client ZynAddSubFX error: awake_at = 3759635557 state = 2 timed_out =

Then there's pd... I can't even start it (at any setting no matter how
liberal) anymore, I just get screens full of;

Partial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial
readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial
readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial
readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial
readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial
readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial readPartial read

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong.  It seems like a few months back I
was running just fine with few if any glitches...

Btw, I've switched over to qjackctl and I'm up to the minute with the
planet jack packages.

talk to you all in a few,


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