(Off Topic) Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Is anyone else burning out?

Guy Clotilde guy.clotilde at wanadoo.fr
Mon Sep 22 22:57:01 PDT 2003

On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:51:06 -0500, Brian Fahrlander wrote / a écrit:

>     But now when I hear that sort of thing I drop my gaze and hope no
> one notices me as a nerd.
> "Good. Let'em go to Novell, I don't care."

uh uh yep I feel like this sometimes too.
Today I no more try to convince anyone.
I do my thing, and let the others go. That's not that I feel defeated (not at all), it's more like I think I have done my part as a "warrior" . Now I do "back-office" for the cause (mainly translations). Anyone says I'm growing old? Yep. A young 40. 

I believe I will take my sword some times more, but I don't want to go in every daily fight against stupidity.
Anyway I'm glad that there are young people willing to.
It's a question of time.

Have a nice day.
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