New kernels (Re: [PlanetCCRMA] updated: gmorgan, alsa-patch-bay

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Sep 21 20:29:01 PDT 2003

> > > Well, perhaps the first x-run was the thing that made the
> > > machine crash (about 30 seconds).
> > >
> > > However, the new 4.20 redhat-caps kernel works fine. And
> > > the original redhat 8 kernel does not (4.18). Do you
> > > have any idea what makes the redhat kernel works? Could
> > > it be theire reduced low-latency patch?
> >
> > There has to be interaction with the nforce2 chipset stuff, maybe low
> > latency, who knows. I'll see if I can find patches or information about
> > the nforce2 chipset, somebody else must be having similar problems.
> >
> The information on this thread
> looks promising. 

Yes, looks like the problem you (and other nforce2 users) are having. 

> It might be something with apic, and a new kernel
> option called "nolapic" might fix the problem. The option was
> added in the 2.4.23-pre1 kernel, so I'm going to compile up
> the latest vanilla+ll+cap now to see.

Let me know how it goes. I'll check out 2.4.23-prex to see if it
compiles easily... (there's _always_ something broken or that does not
build and I have to disable :-)

-- Fernando

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