[PlanetCCRMA] Choosing a right CD set to install Planet CCRMA

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Sep 14 16:30:03 PDT 2003

> I'm trying lately to get my hands on Linux-aided music, but i'm sad to confess
> that choosing the right CD set to install Planet CCRMA is still a bit confusing
> to my eyes.
> If i have neither a Linux distro nor the Planet CCRMA files, but a DSL
> connection, i should get "The Planet CCRMA RedHat install iso images" then i'll
> be able to install Red Hat and manage to download the remaining files (Redhat
> Updates & Planet CCRMA) thru apt-get, shouldn't i?

Yes, those are the RedHat 9 cd's, with an added apt database for the
packages. If your connection is fast (dsl should do it) you don't need
the rest of the cdroms, you can follow the install instructions and
connect directly to the repository. 

> Why doesn't Planet CCRMA compute with other RPM-based distros such as Mandrake
> or SuSe?

Although all of them are based on rpms (Redhat Package Manager
packages), they all have slightly different versions of packages,
slightly different places where they install, different names for the
same packages and so on and so forth. While some packages may work in
all of them chances are you will have dependency problems sooner or

> Why do you provide "The Planet CCRMA RedHat updates iso images" if it aims only
> at upgrading Red Hat standard software, when they could do it?

It is redundant but it is important to have the latest updates from
RedHat. If you don't have a (fast) network connection in your linux
machine and you want to update you can download the cdrom somewhere else
and apply the updates at home. 

-- Fernando

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