[PlanetCCRMA] kernel and root

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Oct 27 16:16:02 PST 2003

> If i understand the documentation correctly, then if it's ok in my
> particular case to run all media applications as root, then i don't have
> to use the PlanetCCRMA-modified Red Hat kernel, but i could use the
> original Red Hat kernel?

Mostly correct. You would also need to build the kernel module packages
for alsa for the original redhat kernel as those are not provided by the
Planet CCRMA repository. 

> Is it correct to assume that all changes that were made to the Red Hat
> kernel are related to allowing the media apps to run as non-root in
> better conditions?

Yes, that is basically correct. 
But obviously running as root is not the best option (IMHO). 

Do you have a reason why you need to run the original RedHat kernel?
-- Fernando

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