[PlanetCCRMA] Re: problem with new redhat glibc

Andrea Glorioso andrea.glorioso at agnula.org
Tue Nov 18 07:24:00 PST 2003


>>>>> "aa" == Aaron  <aamehl at bezeqint.net> writes:

    aa> Well, uh I tried demundi and was not so pleased a distro could
    aa> end up a disaster.

Sorry for any misunderstanding (I'm not a native english speaker) but
I suspect that the above sentence means that you were disappointed
with AGNULA/DeMuDi, right?

I can't understand, though, what exactly did disappoint you (note that
I didn't say I can't understand why are you disappointed ;) ).

If you could spend a bit of your time explaining what the problems you
met  were,  what  did you expect,  where   did AGNULA/DeMuDi fail your
expectations more (`everywhere'  is  an acceptable answer) could   you
please tell us?

I'm putting users at lists.agnula.org as   the Reply-To, so that I   stop
polluting  the   planetccrma@  list  (Nando  and all,   sorry  for the
interruption, but I have an automatic scanbot which looks for keywords
in the mailing lists :) ).


Andrea Glorioso                        andrea.glorioso at agnula.org
AGNULA/DeMuDi Techie                       http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"

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