[PlanetCCRMA] Re: problem with new redhat glibc

Aaron aamehl at bezeqint.net
Thu Nov 13 01:52:01 PST 2003

Well, uh
I tried demundi and was not so pleased a distro could end up a disaster.

My opinion is let someone else fight with installers etc.

The advantage of RH and CCRMA is that RH is a pretty straightforward
distro that pretty much works all the time.

apt-get and yum have brought the ease of debian to redhat, now Fedora I
think will bring the rest.
My question is then why now I fail to see the need for different flavors
deb and rpm.

Some smart group should have fedora and debian join forces......

just rambing a bit.

I do however wish there was a way to make the audio packages less distro
specific, so that all users of rpm distros could use the planet...
my 2 Cents
On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 10:32, Edward A. Falk wrote:
> Cripes, is there anything RH can't screw up?
> Here's my idea:  Since RH is getting out of the consumer
> Linux business, PlanetCCRMA should create its own distro, using
> the best of the RH install procedures, the Debian OS and the
> CCRMA kernel.
> 	-ed falk
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