[PlanetCCRMA] Re: problem with new redhat glibc

Tom Hemba tomhemba at bigfoot.com
Thu Nov 13 14:32:01 PST 2003

Jacob Meuser wrote:

>On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 12:07:07PM -0800, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>(*) as an addon keep in mind that Planet CCRMA was not something that
>>was "proposed" and then "developed" as a formal project. It is just the
>>side effect of the fact that I have been mantaining a sound/music
>>environment on Linux here at CCRMA for quite a while... 
>>(**) again, the goal (for me) was to try to create a good Linux-based
>>working environment here at CCRMA... initially at least. But I created a
>Well, I, and I'm sure others, am quite grateful for your efforts :)

I got started on Linux about 3 months ago.  The first few weeks were 
very difficult and I had just about reached my threshhold of 
frustration.  But then I found Planet CCRMA...  If it wasn't for Planet 
CCRMA I would have given up on my excursion into Linux as a failed 
experiment.  There's no way I would have been able to set up a low 
latency kernel or ALSA on my own, and I'm sure that I would not have 
been able to compile much of the great software out there, or more to 
the point, I wouldn't have had the patience.  Now, hopefully I'll be 
able to put together something to post to that made-on-Linux music list ;-)

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