[PlanetCCRMA] rezound/jack zombies

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Nov 4 13:57:01 PST 2003

> when recording with jack and rezound, the app goes zombie between the 
> 5.5 and 6.5 minute marks. i see that the record dialog window lists 
> "memory" as the max recording time, not any specific number.

Same here...

> i am curious if the Jack package used here has the ramfs patch applied? 

The Jack package mounts the temporary directory in ram, if that is what
you mean. I would not imagine this has any influence in what rezound can
or cannot record, this is internal to jack. 

> and 
> even so, i have much more RAM available than a measily 70Mb, and both 
> /dev/shm and /var/lib/jack/tmp are 128Mb each. can anybody shed light on 
> this? how about reproduce it on thier box? or should i talk to the jack 
> list?

Most probably ask other rezound users (I don't know if there is a list),
I don't think this is a jack problem. From what the record dialog says
it would seem it can only record what can fit in memory...

I got one zombified message but the application (rezound) kept working
(ie: if I disconnect things in qjackctl then the level meters stop
showing stuff). If you fire up top in a terminal as I did you will see
the "free memory" number going down as rezound records. 

-- Fernando

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