[PlanetCCRMA] wrong tempo im muse

Olaf Giesbrecht Olaf_Giesbrecht at Yahoo.de
Mon Nov 3 11:18:01 PST 2003

thanks to the last help of fernando, my system seems to be working ok
and i even can record audio in muse (which is really a new feature for
me) - yeah !

but i still have a problem with muse:
the timing seems to be constant (no breaks), but it is to slow. if i
want to play something at 120 bpm, i have to start muse with something
about 126 bpm.
does anyone else have this problem ? what do i do wrong and what an i do
now ?

hoping for help and greeting the planet


http://www.audio4linux.de - musikmachen mit offenen quellen !

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