[PlanetCCRMA] updated: planetccrma-core* packages (midishare dependency added)

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Nov 3 12:37:01 PST 2003

I have just released new versions of the planetccrma-core packages (the
virtual packages that are used to install new versions of the Planet
CCRMA kernels and alsa drivers - if you installed Planet CCRMA you
should have one or more of those packages in your machine). 

I added explicit dependencies to the MidiShare kernel module packages.
This will ensure (I hope) that the right MidiShare package gets selected
on a "dist-upgrade". 

For this to work you have to have:
- one of the planetccrma-core package installed
- the planetcore url in /etc/apt/sources.list active 
  (not commented out)

Just as in the case of alsa, once you have MidiShare properly installed
you can safely comment out the planetcore url in your sources.list file
if you don't want a "dist-upgrade" to upgrade your kernel and/or alsa. 

-- Fernando

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