[PlanetCCRMA] qjackconnect not working

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue May 20 10:48:00 PDT 2003

> It seems that after upgrading to latest jack broke qjackconnect...
> Here I have RH 8.0 this is what I get (as user and as root):
> [ emillo at redmillo:]~ $ qjackconnect 
> cannot read response from jack server (No such file or directory)
> Could not connect to jack server.
> [ emillo at redmillo:]~ $ 

It seems to work here, redhat 8.0, jack 0.71.1, qjackconnect 0.0.3b.
Kill jack, make sure no processes remain and check /tmp to see if there
are any old leftover files related to jack, erase them if there are any,
restart jack. 

-- Fernando

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