[PlanetCCRMA] planet ccrma for RedHat 9

Josh Steiner josh at vitriolix.com
Fri May 9 21:58:01 PDT 2003

woo!  forcing the kernel to install using the --oldpackage flag did it 
for me, i've got ccrma installed and alsa configured and running 
nicely.  awsome. 

i am having a problem with my nvidia driver complaining that they dont 
have a binary module for this kernel, so it tried to automatically build 
it and failed rather non descriptly.  i made sure i have the kernel 
sources so that isnt the problem, but hey, i've got pd up and running on 
my latop so i'm damned happy for today :)


Josh Steiner wrote:

> sorry, i could have sworn i typed:
> havnt solved it yet, but after my final i'll try doing this this 
> weekend and report back:
> rpm -i --oldpackage 
> /var/cache/apt/archives/kernel#2.4.20-4.ll.acpi_2.4.20-4.ll.acpi_i686.rpm
> Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>> this is the exact same problem ran into on my first ccrma install 
>>> attempt on a clean rh9 box a few weeks ago.
>> Did you manage to solve it?
>>>> Which means it is already installed? This must be your second try I
>>>> guess. Very strange. Most probably the previous install did not finish
>>>> and things were left in an inconsisten state. Do you remember what
>>>> happened before?
>> -- Fernando

independent u.s. drum'n'bass -- http://vitriolix.com

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