[PlanetCCRMA] planet ccrma for RedHat 9

Josh Steiner josh at vitriolix.com
Wed May 14 23:19:01 PDT 2003

my march towards utter linux audio/video contentment continues ... where 
i left off the nvidia xfree86 driver was barfing when trying to build a 
module for this kernel, looks like it is just complaining about 
different GCC versions being used to build the ccrma kernel and the gcc 
on my system being used to build the module.  i'm using gcc-3.2.2-5, 
what is ccrma being built with?  ive gone ahead and had it ignore the 
mismatch and so far seems are running dandy, but if anyone has any 
knowledge i dont that leads them to think that i might be screwing 
myself with weird random crashes, id appriciate a heads up :)



-> Building kernel module:
   executing: 'cd ./usr/src/nv; make nvidia.o 
   You appear to be compiling the NVIDIA kernel module with  
   a compiler different from the one that was used to compile
   the running kernel. This may be perfectly fine, but there 
   are cases where this can lead to unexpected behaviour and 
   system crashes.                                           
   If you know what you are doing and want to override this  
   check, you can do so by setting IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH.       
   In any other case, set the CC environment variable to the 
   name of the compiler that was used to compile the kernel. 
   *** Failed cc sanity check. Bailing out! ***

Josh Steiner wrote:

> woo!  forcing the kernel to install using the --oldpackage flag did it 
> for me, i've got ccrma installed and alsa configured and running 
> nicely.  awsome.
> i am having a problem with my nvidia driver complaining that they dont 
> have a binary module for this kernel, so it tried to automatically 
> build it and failed rather non descriptly.  i made sure i have the 
> kernel sources so that isnt the problem, but hey, i've got pd up and 
> running on my latop so i'm damned happy for today :)
> -josh

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