[PlanetCCRMA] which rpm?

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Feb 25 13:13:01 PST 2003

> I've rebuild the planet kernel sources for more current gcc and athlon
> support. Which rpm should I install (386 or 686)? I have both produced both,
> as described somewhere in the mailing list archive on
> http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/pipermail/planetccrma/2002-November/000400.ht
> ml and the part where you
>   rpmbuild -ba kernel-2.4.19-1.ll.spec
>   rpmbuild -ba --target i686 kernel-2.4.19-1.ll.spec
> All of them? Will it be like
>   rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/kernel*.rpm and then
>   rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i686/kernel*.rpm ?

Just _one_ of them. If your machine is an athlon the i686 would be the
most appropriate. 

> Also, my current sytem on redhat 8 has nvidia modules already installed.
> Will they still work after I install the kernel? 

No, you will need to rebuild the driver from the source rpm and install
the newly built binary rpm which will be cusromized for the new kernel.
Drivers have to match the kernel they run on down to the symbol
information. As you have already rebuilt the kernel with gcc3.2 there
should be no problem in rebuilding the NVIDIA drivers as well (because
you will be using the same compiler for both). 

> Anybody has benchmarks on this kernel regarding low latency? 

The latency you can obtain strongly depends on the hardware you have and
how it has been tuned. As Mark has already pointed out 5 mSecs is doable
with reasonable soundcards and hardware. I used to have some latencytest
results lying around but I don't seem to find them right now. 

> Will Ardour realy work? 

Hopefully yes :-) Don't get discouraged if some particular aspect of it
does not. It is still evolving very rapidly and it changes every day
(every day for sure, every hour sometimes). If you want to use ardour
make sure you subscribe to the mailing lists (and browse a bit the
archives to get a feel on how things are going. 

> If it works, will it be better in terms of latency than Windows-based
> apps like Cakewalk Sonar or Cubase SX?

I don't have experience with them so I can't comment...
-- Fernando

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