[PlanetCCRMA] which rpm?

Mark Knecht mknecht at controlnet.com
Tue Feb 25 13:28:01 PST 2003

> > If it works, will it be better in terms of latency than Windows-based
> > apps like Cakewalk Sonar or Cubase SX?
> I don't have experience with them so I can't comment...
> -- Fernando

A RME Hammerfall cad provides EXACTLY the same latency under Windows or

The real BIG WIN under Linux is Jack, which supports the transmission of
real-time audio BETWEEN applications. In the Windows world, this would be
like Cubase and Cakewalk both running and talking to each other. This is, I
believe, to some small extent supported by ASIO, but I haven't enough
knowledge of ASIO to say where the differences really are. I am pretty clear
that ASIO does not support the concept of multiple major apps all patching
audio between themselves, which is very easy under Linux with Jack.


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