[PlanetCCRMA] which rpm?

Lawrence Miranda lawrence.miranda at up.edu.ph
Tue Feb 25 09:17:01 PST 2003

I've rebuild the planet kernel sources for more current gcc and athlon
support. Which rpm should I install (386 or 686)? I have both produced both,
as described somewhere in the mailing list archive on
ml and the part where you
  rpmbuild -ba kernel-2.4.19-1.ll.spec
  rpmbuild -ba --target i686 kernel-2.4.19-1.ll.spec
All of them? Will it be like
  rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/kernel*.rpm and then
  rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i686/kernel*.rpm ?
Also, my current sytem on redhat 8 has nvidia modules already installed.
Will they still work after I install the kernel? Anybody has benchmarks on
this kernel regarding low latency? Will Ardour realy work? If it works, will
it be better in terms of latency than Windows-based apps like Cakewalk Sonar
or Cubase SX?

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