[PlanetCCRMA] ALSA drivers update?

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Feb 3 11:01:01 PST 2003

>   There are plans to release in the near future an update for ALSA
>   drivers ?

Maybe during this week. I'm waiting a little bit for potential fixes to
problems that are uncovered with the rc7 release. 

>   I'm asking this because of an annoying bug that I have with my
>   soundcard that prevent me to run jack + ardour...
>   If you don't plan to update drivers I think I'm going to buy a Delta
>   44, since I need to record with ardour soon...
>   Anyone have experiences with this midiman delta 44 ? 

I use the delta 66 plus omni i/o boxes a lot. They work well (the 44 is
the same thing minus the spdif interface, I think). 

-- Fernando

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