[PlanetCCRMA] redhat 9 repository, status report

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Apr 7 19:05:02 PDT 2003

Not yet, not yet, getting there... :-)

There is now an apt repository for RedHat 9 (Shrike), for now contains
the full distribution and the latest security updates (no Planet CCRMA
stuff there yet). 

This is not yet documented in the web pages in any way, it is an
"advance preview" for those of you that cannot wait before trying the
latest. The entry you need in /etc/apt/sources.list for the os and
updates repositories is (all in one line):

rpm http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/apt redhat/9/en/i386 os

So... what about the Planet CCRMA stuff??? I'm getting there. Here is
what is currently missing in my local compile machine:

- gem (some compilation error)
- soundtracker (hard: the jack api for the transport layer changed)
- nyquist (easy: just a missing header somewhere)
- ecamegapedal (have not looked at it hard)

Did not yet try to build: gdam, mammut, aqsis, filmgimp, and other
non-audio or video related applications. For some apps I built newer
versions, for others I stayed at the current one because building all
this is enough of a job in itself. I just updated  jack again to current
cvs so I'll probably rebuild all of the clients again before releasing. 

I switched ecasound to cvs (temporarily), the latest official release
will not build with the current jack. I also had to go to cvs with
spiralsynthmodular to get proper (working) jack support. 

All other apps build (well, who knows, I may be forgetting something), I
did not test all of them but the ones I did test seem to be working

More coming up soon. 
-- Fernando

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