[PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA --- updating manually with rpm

Carlos Figueiredo - Ritualnet carlosfigueiredo at ritualnet.pt
Mon Oct 14 07:25:02 PDT 2002


I finally decided to stay put on my ADSL connection with speedtouch (as I
had to recompile the kernel, and could not apply the patches correctly, and
it failed creating the modules), because I'm not in the mood for
complications in my system right now, since it seems OK as it is.

So I have downloaded updates from CCRMA from Windows and the installed the
RPM's with the usual:
'rpm -Uvh package.rpm'

I tried it this way and then did a apt-get update and dist-upgrade and it
recognised the manually installed packages.
Do you see any caveats to this process?

Kind Regards,

Carlos Figueiredo

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