[PlanetCCRMA] HDSP 9652 patch - Failed Dependencies

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Dec 9 13:17:01 PST 2002

> > You must have alsa enabled to start only on level 5 (X) and not on level
> > 3 (multiuser startup). See what "chkconfig --list alsasound" tells you. 
> >
> OK, nothing obvious to me as of yet. I first tried chkconfig --list
> alsasound, but was told to run chkconfig --add alsasound first. I did
> that and now chkconfig --list alsasound says:
> [root at Godzilla root]# chkconfig --list alsasound
> alsasound       0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
> [root at Godzilla root]#

What happened is that you did not enable the automatic startup of alsa
on boot (follow the planet instructions :-) So the driver was not being
started at boot (as it should) and instead the modules were loaded when
you started X (most probably because some program in the X startup
sequence needs the audio device). 

> > Yuck... anything in the logs? (/var/log/messages).
> Here's what I could think to look at.
> QUESTION: I run RH 7.3. Why does dmesg say gcc is RH 7.2? Maybe this is
> normal? Or not?

It says that the kernel was compiled with gcc under rh 7.2, that is
normal as that's where I compiled the kernel. 

> Hammerfall memory allocator: buffers allocated for 1 cards
> RME Hammerfall-DSP: no cards found
> Hammerfall memory allocator: buffers allocated for 1 cards
> RME Hammerfall-DSP: no cards found
> [root at Godzilla root]#

This means that the driver does not find a suitable pci id for a card it
knows about. BUT the memory for the card is actually allocated so the
card is somehow being found right? Which probably means there is one
more place in the hdsp code where the pci id for your card is still

-- Fernando

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