[PlanetCCRMA] HDSP 9652 patch - Failed Dependencies

Mark Knecht markknecht at attbi.com
Mon Dec 9 12:58:00 PST 2002

   Comments below. Sorry this is so long. Trying to give enough info to
help people really find this before I go back to the office for a few


On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 10:12, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> You must have alsa enabled to start only on level 5 (X) and not on level
> 3 (multiuser startup). See what "chkconfig --list alsasound" tells you. 

OK, nothing obvious to me as of yet. I first tried chkconfig --list
alsasound, but was told to run chkconfig --add alsasound first. I did
that and now chkconfig --list alsasound says:

[root at Godzilla root]# chkconfig --list alsasound
alsasound       0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
[root at Godzilla root]#

It looks to ne like it should have been there even at a text mode

Maybe it was a timeout related thing. Possibly I should sit at the
console for 5 minutes to give it lots of time to find it. The other
thing I've heard about is that sometime messages don't get written to
the message/dmesg files right away? Maybe I need to tell Linux to flush
these messages faster somehow. Don't know...

> Yuck... anything in the logs? (/var/log/messages).

Here's what I could think to look at.

QUESTION: I run RH 7.3. Why does dmesg say gcc is RH 7.2? Maybe this is
normal? Or not?

[root at Godzilla root]# dmesg
Linux version 2.4.19-1.ll (root at cmn52.Stanford.EDU) (gcc version 2.96
20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.2 2.96-108.7.2)) #1 Sun Aug 4 16:58:22 PDT
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:

and then at the very end:

Hammerfall memory allocator: buffers allocated for 1 cards
RME Hammerfall-DSP: no cards found
Hammerfall memory allocator: buffers allocated for 1 cards
RME Hammerfall-DSP: no cards found
[root at Godzilla root]#

I wonder why I get this message twice? Could that be a clue?

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