[LAC-19] Creative Coding workshop details

Constantin Basica cobasica at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Feb 7 20:51:11 PST 2019

Hi Bruno and all,

We will need the Stage to rehearse/set up for the concerts in the afternoon. Other than that, I assume the Classroom would be available, right? We are planning some installations in there, but we can do those after Saturday. I believe it fits 25-30 people, so it would be two sessions of 90min.

Other thoughts?

All the best,

> On Feb 7, 2019, at 11:40 AM, Bruno Ruviaro <bruviaro at scu.edu> wrote:
> Hi Romain, Constantin and all,
> I wanted to ask if we set the approximate schedule for the Creative Coding SuperCollider workshop that was accepted to LAC. As you may remember, this will involve a big group of Bay Area high school kids (around 50 people from Onyx Scholars program) coming to the conference on Saturday March 23 to participate. They will come with their own teachers and parents to guide the group etc. At this point they just asked me for more details regarding day schedule so they can plan accordingly, charter their bus, and so on.
> The exact format depends on what room you have available for this workshop. If you have a room that can fit 50+ people, we can do a single 2-hour workshop with everyone. If you have room that is good for 25-30 people, we can do two identical sessions of about 90 minutes. Or, if we need to use a room that fits 20 people max, we could do three sessions of about 60 minutes each. Yet another option is, if you have 2 or 3 smaller rooms that could be used simultaneously with up to to 20 people each, I could organize simultaneous sessions run by my TAs (probably yes). I'm open to discuss any of the formats above, or any other ideas you may have.
> This would likely happen between 1:30 PM and 4:30 PM (approximately) on March 23rd. At 6:00 PM kids probably will attend the first concert (which is the one with SCLOrk). They will not attend the 8:00 PM one.
> Please let me know your thoughts.
> Thanks!!
> Bruno
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