[CM] Installation problem version 22 (21.9?)

bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Dec 20 11:01:05 PST 2021

The no-gui Snd tries to load repl.scm for its repl
unless you pass -noinit (with -noinit you'll get
the world's more annoying repl).  To load repl.scm
you need to be in a directory with s7.h and maybe
some other such files -- I forget what's needed.

To get a GUI, you need Motif.  Snd used to work with
Gtk, but Gtk was constantly changing in major ways
that required full rewrites of the Snd code, and
after at least 3 of those, I removed all the Gtk
support.  I should have stayed with Gtk2.
Motif is still available in Fedora and Debian,
but I haven't looked at slackware in a very long time.

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