[CM] cm2/cm.asd -> ASDF-3 ?

andersvi at notam02.no andersvi at notam02.no
Wed Mar 30 14:15:06 PDT 2016

    J> Couple of years ago I tried to get this setup again and didn't
    J> work.

Just checked with a fresh checkout from svn, where these steps get
things up and running:

 $ svn co svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/commonmusic/code/branches/cm2
 $ cd cm2
 $ mv cm.asd cm2.asd
 $ sbcl
 * (load "src/asdf.lisp")
 * (load "cm2.asd")
 * (use-system :cm2)
 * (cm::next (cm::new cm::heap :of '(does this work?)) t)

I'll update the name of the current cm.asd file to reflect the name
inside its call to defsystem.


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