[CM] cm2/cm.asd -> ASDF-3 ?

andersvi at notam02.no andersvi at notam02.no
Tue Mar 29 23:15:16 PDT 2016

Hi Juan.

    J> Am I reading well between the lines or are your trying to get cm2
    J> working again on a current sbcl?.

I don't think it ever stopped working, did it?

I've been using cm2 with sbcl (and recently with lw) 'always'.

cm2.asd is just the 'makefile', the sources (compiled from .scm sources
by calling (gencm) after loading pkg.lisp and stocl.lisp) compile and
load great.

    J> I recall last year you guys did some experimenting on
    J> patterns.scm [1].  Is this still working?.

Yes.  It's in the snd tarball.



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