[CM] Common Music 2 and PWGL

Torsten Anders Torsten.Anders at beds.ac.uk
Wed Apr 6 15:24:36 PDT 2016

Dear Juan,

> Has anyone tried it on Linux and SBCL?.

PWGL had once plans for a release on Linux, but AFAIK that never materialised. If I remember correctly, they had problems with OpenGL within LispWorks at Linux. Anyway, you best ask Mika Kuuskankare <mkuuskan at siba.fi> such a question. 

>  constrained based composition on CM or a package other than Open Music. I am not hundred percent in
> favor of the 'black-box-connect paradigm'.

In Open Music you have several constraint-based composition systems (Situation, OMClouds, some subset of PWConstraint, OMRC, a predecessor of later PWGL libraries by Örjan Sandred), and I thought you meanwhile have the code for all of them available?

On PWGL there are also multiple constraint-based composition systems available. The old PWConstraint engine/solver by Mikael Laurson is still working, and has been extended in many ways since his PhD thesis, which is still its best description nevertheless. However, there are no sources available. 

Some library by Jacopo Schilingi provides an graphical interface for the textual PWConstraint engine, jbs-constraints (http://baboni-schilingi.com/index.php/research).

Then, there are several libraries by Örjan Sandred, http://sandred.com/CAC.html, http://sandred.com/Downloads.html

I extended the latest library of Örjan (https://github.com/tanders/cluster-rules).

> constrained based composition on CM

A very long time ago, I extended CM 1 with constraint programming facilities based on the Lisp constraint solver Screamer — but I would not recommend using that anymore…

> it sounds appealing to try several constrained based examples from PWGL or Op. Music adapted
> to cm2 or even plain CL or Scheme.

The code of most of them is available. There are a few dependencies to the graphics programming of OpenMusic and/or PWGL, but at least in the case of Örjan’s libraries that seems to be limited to a few files, and you can clearly tell the dependencies by the Lisp packages.

His solver by default outputs to a convenient PWGL score object, but by setting an argument you can also get the music represented as a list close to the internal representation of the solver, AFAIK (never needed that).

Best wishes,

Dr Torsten Anders
Course Leader, Music Technology
University of Bedfordshire
Park Square, Room A315

On 4 Apr 2016, at 19:37, Juan Reyes <juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU> wrote:

> Hi Torsten,
> In regards to PWGL. Maybe I am wrong, but for what I can tell your
> example requires PWGL on a Lisp system on OSX or windoze. Has anyone
> tried it on Linux and SBCL?.
> For a while I've been willing to try constrained based composition on
> CM or a package other than Open Music. I am not hundred percent in
> favor of the 'black-box-connect paradigm'.
> Now that you mention direct Lisp code hacking, it sounds appealing
> to try several constrained based examples from PWGL or Op. Music adapted
> to cm2 or even plain CL or Scheme.
> -Better said-, could we use some of PWGL functionality inside CM perhaps
> on Linux and SBCL?.
> Am I too optimistic or could this be accomplished in some way?.
> Btw, there is a good introduction to Constrained Based Programming and
> Music by Torsten himself on [1].
>  Thanks,
>  -Juan
> [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_2SFwXNU68
>> What is most interesting from a PWGL perspective, however, is that 
>> all CM patters are available (though only for direct Lisp code 
>> hacking, no boxes, at least yet). It could be interesting to use 
>> these in other PWGL patches to generate musical data for whatever 
>> purpose.
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