[CM] Several questions

phiroc at free.fr phiroc at free.fr
Tue May 27 08:16:32 PDT 2014


I am not sure about other people, but I am looking for a tutorial which will
help me understand sound synthesis enough to be able to use apps on the iPad
such as Nave and NanoStudio [lots of dials, but I am sure how to use most of them].
For instance, I would like to know what wavetables are
and how to manipulate them. 

Furthermore, a sndlib tutorial might be an alternative to tutorials
such as the ones you can currently find on CSound or PD on the Internet or in books (eg, "Designing Sound").


----- Mail original -----
De: "Bill Schottstaedt" <bil at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
À: "Philippe de Rochambeau" <phiroc at free.fr>, cmdist at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Envoyé: Mardi 27 Mai 2014 16:38:59
Objet: Re: [CM] Several questions

> is there a sndlib tutorial

The introduction to sndclm.html is a start toward one, but what kind of
background or interest should a tutorial assume?  My impression is
that only a handful of people worldwide actually write instruments.

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