[CM] Grace, microtonal resolution, strange behavior

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Sun Mar 4 07:53:23 PST 2012

microtonal midi output uses something i call channel tuning: based on  
the tuning you specifiy it takes reserves channels and "pretunes" them  
accoding to the microtonale quantization level.

for example,  choosing quarter-tone tuning means that  half the  
channels are reserved for  cents  0-49 and the other half of the  
channels are pretuned upwards to handle cents 50-99
since you only have 16 channels, this effectively cuts the channels in  
half for instruemtn assignement (because each instrument can do  

you can see this clearly if you do this:
1. choose  Audio>MidiOut>Tuning to set things to quarter tone
2. choose the Audio>MidiOut>Midi Instruments...  dialog -- when that  
dialog opens on the left hand side of the window you will see the  
available channels you have for insrument assignments

also, you might want to try the  lastest CM  I have here:



The only reason i haven't actually released these to sourceforge as a  
new cm 3.8.0 release  is because I cant boot my windows partition to  
make the windows binary. ( i was hopeing to have purchased a new  
laptop about 4 weeks ago but....)

On Mar 3, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Daniel Storbeck wrote:

> Hi, I installed Grace 3.7.2 from source on Debian 6 64bit. The Juce  
> midi
> output is connected to a E-MU xmidi 1x1 Usb to Midi cable which is
> connected to a Roland SoundCanvas SC-155. Everything seems to work ok.
> Now I'm working through the Sal midi out tutorial.  When I evaluate:
> send("mp:tuning", 2)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60)
>  send( "mp:midi", key: 60.5)
>  send( "mp:midi", key: 61)
> the first and the last note are played as expected but the second is
> played on another instrument / another channel.  When evaluating:
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.0)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.1)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.2)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.3)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.4)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.5)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.6)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.7)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.8)
> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.9)
> the notes corresponding to the key values 60.3 - 60.7 are played on  
> the
> wrong instrument. While playing these ten notes aseqdump reports:
> daniel at hallo:~/cm$ aseqdump -p 128:0
> Waiting for data. Press Ctrl+C to end.
> Source  Event                  Ch  Data
> gc freed 79776/128000, time: 0.006641
> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 60, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                0, note 60, velocity 0
> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 60, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                0, note 60, velocity 0
> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 60, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                0, note 60, velocity 0
> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
> gc freed 79776/128000, time: 0.005465
> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
> gc freed 79776/128000, time: 0.006225
> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 61, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                0, note 61, velocity 0
> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 61, velocity 63
> 128:0   Note off                0, note 61, velocity 0
> so you can see the channel switching. You also see the gc fiddling
> around for some reason that might be related to the problem.
> I guess this is a bug, not a feature, but is it Grace or some part  
> of my
> system?  Any ideas?
> regards
> Daniel
> ---
> Btw: The statement in the tutorial to set the microtonal res. to 12 is
> missing some parentheses:
> send "mp:tuning", 12
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