[CM] Grace, microtonal resolution, strange behavior

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Sun Mar 4 10:43:41 PST 2012

On Mar 4, 2012, at 12:12 PM, Daniel Storbeck wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> thanks for the clarification, so that was just a newbie problem.
> Btw. is there a source repository besides the sourceforge releases?  
> I'm on Debian and the Ubuntu zip doesn't work for me because there  
> is a problem with some lib, I don't recall which one, now.
> cheers
> Daniel

your linking problem might be the result of how old my ubuntu is --  
its so old that its own system updater wont even let me update!  but i  
cant reinstall everything until i have a new machine...
so ive added a zip of the sources to the temp site:


building is not hard. first install sndlib from ccrma:

	wget ftp://ccrma-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/Lisp/sndlib.tar.gz
	tar -zxf sndlib.tar.gz
	cd sndlib
	./configure CC=g++
	rm *.so
	cd ..

then build cm,  use premake (the 3.0 line...) to generate the makefiles

	wget http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/software/grace/cm-3.8.0.zip
	unzip cm-3.8.0.zip
	cd cm-3.8.0
	premake --verbose --target gnu --sndlib ../sndlib
that should eventually result in a Grace app:
	bin/Grace &

you can add fomus, sdif, liblo as extras, see the cm/readme.text for  
more information about this.

> Am 04.03.2012 16:53, schrieb Heinrich Taube:
>> microtonal midi output uses something i call channel tuning: based  
>> on the tuning you specifiy it takes reserves channels and  
>> "pretunes" them accoding to the microtonale quantization level.
>> for example,  choosing quarter-tone tuning means that  half the  
>> channels are reserved for  cents  0-49 and the other half of the  
>> channels are pretuned upwards to handle cents 50-99
>> since you only have 16 channels, this effectively cuts the channels  
>> in half for instruemtn assignement (because each instrument can do  
>> quartones)
>> you can see this clearly if you do this:
>> 1. choose  Audio>MidiOut>Tuning to set things to quarter tone
>> 2. choose the Audio>MidiOut>Midi Instruments...  dialog -- when  
>> that dialog opens on the left hand side of the window you will see  
>> the available channels you have for insrument assignments
>> also, you might want to try the  lastest CM  I have here:
>> ubuntu:
>>    http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/software/grace/Grace-3.8.0-ubuntu.zip
>> macos:
>>    http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/software/grace/Grace-3.8.0-osx.zip
>> The only reason i haven't actually released these to sourceforge as  
>> a new cm 3.8.0 release  is because I cant boot my windows partition  
>> to make the windows binary. ( i was hopeing to have purchased a new  
>> laptop about 4 weeks ago but....)
>> On Mar 3, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Daniel Storbeck wrote:
>>> Hi, I installed Grace 3.7.2 from source on Debian 6 64bit. The  
>>> Juce midi
>>> output is connected to a E-MU xmidi 1x1 Usb to Midi cable which is
>>> connected to a Roland SoundCanvas SC-155. Everything seems to work  
>>> ok.
>>> Now I'm working through the Sal midi out tutorial.  When I evaluate:
>>> send("mp:tuning", 2)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.5)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 61)
>>> the first and the last note are played as expected but the second is
>>> played on another instrument / another channel.  When evaluating:
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.0)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.1)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.2)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.3)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.4)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.5)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.6)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.7)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.8)
>>> send( "mp:midi", key: 60.9)
>>> the notes corresponding to the key values 60.3 - 60.7 are played  
>>> on the
>>> wrong instrument. While playing these ten notes aseqdump reports:
>>> daniel at hallo:~/cm$ aseqdump -p 128:0
>>> Waiting for data. Press Ctrl+C to end.
>>> Source  Event                  Ch  Data
>>> gc freed 79776/128000, time: 0.006641
>>> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 60, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                0, note 60, velocity 0
>>> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 60, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                0, note 60, velocity 0
>>> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 60, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                0, note 60, velocity 0
>>> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
>>> gc freed 79776/128000, time: 0.005465
>>> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
>>> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
>>> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
>>> 128:0   Note on                 1, note 60, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                1, note 60, velocity 0
>>> gc freed 79776/128000, time: 0.006225
>>> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 61, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                0, note 61, velocity 0
>>> 128:0   Note on                 0, note 61, velocity 63
>>> 128:0   Note off                0, note 61, velocity 0
>>> so you can see the channel switching. You also see the gc fiddling
>>> around for some reason that might be related to the problem.
>>> I guess this is a bug, not a feature, but is it Grace or some part  
>>> of my
>>> system?  Any ideas?
>>> regards
>>> Daniel
>>> ---
>>> Btw: The statement in the tutorial to set the microtonal res. to  
>>> 12 is
>>> missing some parentheses:
>>> send "mp:tuning", 12
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