[CM] grace runs as root user only

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Apr 6 13:33:47 PDT 2010

Hi Rick,

Just tried the new app you suggested and it's looking good so far. I
even tried the older 3.5.1 and it is working :-)

---> Thanks for all your efforts!!

  --* Juan

Thank you Nando and Kjetil for your avid eyes.

> i think juce uses that lock file to implement this function, which  
> presumably caused the permission problem. now that youve deleted that  
> (stale?) lock file ive put the the original behavior back  so you can  
> try out the new app out to see if the locking problem comes back  
> again. if it does then ill just always allow multiple instances  
> everywhere.
> thank you for helping me with this!
> --rick

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