[CM] Grace: "Error: run-safety: unbound variable"

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Fri Nov 6 04:49:09 PST 2009

i think what is going on is that I built cm  against an earlier  
version of sndlib where the function was defined.
this is the version of sndlib I built against (visible in the Grace  

S7 Scheme 1.31 (7-Sep-09) (c) 2009 William Schottstaedt

so if run-safety was removed since that time the souces wont work. I  
will be doing some work on grace this weekend, and there is a bug fix  
i need to check in for starting linux audio.

im not sure about the definstrument, that worries me!   clm is working  
great in the current Grace. ill try to sort this out in the next few  

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